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Dove Canyon Montessori programs are based on a strong foundation of early childhood education on the premise of Dr. Maria Montessori recognition that children are born with an “absorbent mind.” This gives them the natural ability to learn by spontaneously absorbing knowledge from their environment. Based on this respect and understanding of the child, she believed that education must begin at birth and that the first years are the most important. The Montessori environment encourages the child to explore to discover a world of beauty, peace, and consistency. This promotes learning and enrichment in their lives. The daily events are designed to enhance a vast array of experiences within a structured environment, which stimulates curiosity and promotes positive self-esteem and development. Dove Canyon Montessori prides itself on the interactive relationship between the teacher and your child. Our Montessori specialists are chosen for their loving, respectful attitudes towards the children as well as their extensive knowledge and background in early childhood education. The combination is used to develop individualized experiences that promote and enhance new skills for each child and encourage socialization and independence. Dove Canyon Montessori works closely with parents to identify and insure that the given potentials of each child blossoms. Daily sharing of events, smooth and happy transition times, and mutual respect of each individual child and family remain essential cornerstones of the Montessori program.

Dove Canyon Montessori enrolls children as early as 6 weeks of age. We recognize that your baby is already an individual with his/her unique personality and abilities. Our combination of quality and loving care in an enriched environment encourages the natural rhythm of learning and healthy development. Our preschool program provides a multitude of specially designed activities to further enrich your child’s life. These programs are developmentally appropriate activities are facilitated by our specially trained teachers. Your child will learn to love enjoy and love learning and will develop a foundation of skills that remain with him/her throughout their life. Our program continues to provide the highest quality of early childhood education through our before and after school programs which provides transportation to and from local schools. (Please Note: Additional information regarding the costs and availability of our transportation services is available from our school director.) Our before and afterschool programs and transportation services are tailored for children up to third grade level. Please note that our before and afterschool programs are only available to children in 3rd grade and younger.